Introduce File API
Create an API for registering files and their fixity values to a Bag. This can be started once changes from #101 (closed) are complete.
Short and sweet version:
POST /api/bags/<bag_id>/file
- Description: Create a BagFile resource for a specified Bag
- RequestBody: FileCreate
201 - file created successfully -
400 - bag_id doesn't exist or RequestBody is invalid -
403 - user is not authorized to update the specified Bag -
409 - a file with the same filename already exists -
POST /api/bags/<bag_id>/files
- Description: Upload a csv containing multiple files for a Bag
- RequestBody: MultipartFile upload
- tbd - status on success (202? DeferredResult? Async?)
400 - the csv uploaded is invalid -
403 - user is not authorized to update the specified Bag -
409 - a csv is already being processed for a bag_id -
500 - an error happened while processing the csv -
PUT /api/bags/<bag_id>/file/<file_id>/fixity
- Description: Create a Fixity resource for a given File
- RequestBody: FixityCreate
201 - fixity created successfully -
400 - bag_id | file_id does not exist or RequestBody is invalid -
403 - user is not authorized to update the specified Bag -
409 - a fixity with the given algorithm already exists -
GET /api/files
- Description: Query all Files
- RequestParams: {bag: Long, size: Long, fixity: String, algorithm: String, filename: String, createdBefore: ZonedDateTime, createdAfter: ZonedDateTime, updatedBefore: ZonedDateTime, updatedAfter: ZonedDateTime}
200 - all files -
GET /api/files/<file_id>
- Description: Retrieve a file by its id
200 - the specified file -
404 - file with the given id does not exist -
GET /api/bags/<bag_id>/files
- Description: Query all Files for a given Bag
- RequestParams: {size: Long, fixity: String, algorithm: String, filename: String, createdBefore: ZonedDateTime, createdAfter: ZonedDateTime, updatedBefore: ZonedDateTime, updatedAfter: ZonedDateTime}
200 - all files belonging to a bag 400 - bag_id does not exist-
GET /api/bags/<bag_id>/files/<file_id>
- Description: Retrieve a file by its id for a Bag
200 - the specified file -
400 - bag_id does not exist -
404 - file_id does not exist or is not in the given Bag -
GET /api/bags/<bag_id>/files/<file_id>/fixity
- Description: Retrieve all Fixities for a given File
200 - all fixities for a given file -
400 - bag_id | file_id does not exist -
GET /api/bags/<bag_id>/file/<file_id>/fixity/<algorithm>
- Description: Retrieve a Fixity by its algorithm for a File
200 - fixity belonging to the given file exists -
400 - bag_id | file_id does not exist -
404 - no fixity with the specified algorithm exists -
#113 (closed) Client for File API
Edited by Ghost User